- Type
Information and procedures - Territorial range
Servei municipal: Cerdanyola del Vallès
Informació sobre els mercats dels divendres celebrat a Cerdanyola
Informació sobre els mercats dels divendres celebrat a Cerdanyola
Space that provides entrepreneurs with furnished offices, meeting rooms, administrative support, coworking spaces for freelancers, technical support and supporting services for the consolidation of the enterprise.
Apartat web sobre Comerç i Mercats de l'Ajuntament de Cerdanyola del Vallès.
Range of knowledge and skill training programmes aimed at improving professional qualification, employability or job reinsertion.
Dies festius a Cerdanyola del Vallès.
Dies festius d'obertura comercial a Cerdanyola del Vallès.
Dies Festius d'obertura Comercial 2023 a Cerdanyola del Vallès.
The Can Serraparera Municipal Employment Service offers technical assessment to entrepreneurs, as well as information on grants and subsidies, business incubators and a school of entrepreneurs.
Compilation of relevant news and information materials related to the business set up process and the consolidation of new companies.
L'objectiu d'aquest estudi, entre d'altres, ha estat fer un anàlisi dels principals hàbits de compra i consum tant de la població resident com de la no resident, així com detectar les necessitats de la seva població i analitzar quina és l'oferta comercial de la ciutat.
Information on the main subsidies, grants or funding available in order to start up and develop your business.
Set of services aimed at encouraging the search of workers and the dissemination of new trends in terms of human resources and headhunting.
Website focused on the compulsory formalities to start a business with the local administration which, apart from providing information on formalities, offers the option to download forms and to comply with some of these formalities on line.
Useful links with current issues, good practices in business management and different resources for business cooperation, entrepreneurship, valuation of talent, continuous training and innovation.
Georeferenced information on companies, organizations, institutions and entrepreneurs that foster innovation in the territory.
Service that offers sponsored publication of job offers to local companies with vacancies.
Informació sobre els mercats celebrats a Cerdanyola del Vallès
The entrepreneurship service offered at Can Serraparera in Cerdanyola del Vallès provides business assessment, either linked to the services addressed to entrepreneurs such as the Virtual Incubator, or in terms of issues related to the management of a modern firm, including ITCs.
Virtual space containing a compilation of diverse resources, materials and tools for the promotion of cooperation among companies.
Virtual business incubator