Resultats 36
Premis a la Innovació Empresarial Metropolitana
07.12.23 | In progressAquests premis reconeixen i premien les empreses més innovadores de l'àrea metropolitana de Barcelona.
Metropolitan PAEs website (InfoPAE)
06.2021 | In progressJoint creation of a website for the metropolitan area's industrial estates with city councils and other public entities
SmartMed: Turisme intel·ligent
01.01.21 | In progressPilot test to boost the metropolitan area of Barcelona as a smart tourism destination
Municipal support for industrial symbiosis
06.2020 | In progressMetropolitan area industrial symbiosis programme providing tools for municipalities and businesses.
ARIE Project
01.04.20 | In progressA consultancy project to attract and retain business investments.
Metropolitan Innobús
06.2019 | In progressVisits to a number of companies where young entrepreneurs will be asked to present their solutions to challenges to a jury.
Improvements in PAEs management (ImpulsPAE)
06.2019 | PlanningNew management tools and models to improve public-private partnerships.
The metropolitan reach of Barcelona's brand
05.2019 | In progressThe metropolitan area's municipalities can share in the benefits of the international reputation that comes with Barcelona's brand.
Training of innovation stakeholders
05.2019 | PlanningCreation of a new professional category devoted to promoting innovation and change in businesses and the economy.
Business qualification and acceleration
05.2019 | In progressMaking innovative business models and the latest trends available to local companies.
Training for new professional profiles
05.2019 | PlanningImplementation of new job training programmes for new professional categories.
Support for CSSE companies and projects
05.2019 | In progressLine of subsidies for projects in the cooperative, social and solidarity-based economy.
Mostrant 1-12 de 36 resultats