- Type
- Networking
- Territorial range
Servei municipal: El Papiol
Directori d'empreses i comerços d'El Papiol
Directori d'empreses i comerços d'El Papiol
Festes, fires i altres esdeveniments que se celebren en El Papiol.
Calendari de festes, fires i altres esdeveniments del Papiol.
Website focused on the compulsory formalities to start a business with the local administration which, apart from providing information on formalities, offers the option to download some document models.
Should you have a vacancy to fill, we help you find the best candidate for your staffing requirements. This is a free service. You must contact us via email before publishing an offer: papiol.borsatreball@elpapiol.cat.
1: Send an e-mail to the address above with the details of your company and your staffing needs.
2: Fill in the required forms (Offer sheet and Commitment sheet) and return them duly signed.
3: Start the search for candidates.
4: The company and the Economic Promotion Office remain in contact throughout the whole process until the vacant is filled.
Information leaflet with the services offered by the Economic Promotion Office of El Papiol.
Informació de contacte de la Unió de Comerciants del Papiol.