Business, economic activity estates and the job market
Project date:
In progress
Data and trends, Projects, Services on map
City Councils, Citizens, Entrepreneurs, Businesses, Entities, Investors
Entrepreneurship and business, Investment, Real estate, Economic activity estates and industry
To provide local governments and other area stakeholders with a tool that offers information on all the PAEs in the area's municipalities.
InfoPAE is the viewer of economic activity estates (PAE) and areas of the metropolitan territory, created in agreement with local councils with the coordination of public authorities. It concentrates all the updated information about industrial estates: economic activities, mobility, connectivity, localisation opportunities, sustainability, services and facilities, among other content.
The channel is used to monitor the employment situation and activity of each PAE through the collection of data and indicators on economy, mobility or facilities, provided by either the AMB or third parties.
The purpose of the web portal is to offer an interactive tool with detailed, structured and visual information of the characteristics of each PAE and municipality, and aims to provide service and support to companies and entrepreneurs in the metropolis of Barcelona that would like to set up their businesses and search for information, as well as local public authorities, entities, associations and other people and organisations interested in studying the territory.
The viewer enables users to download data in different formats to be able to work with them and compare two territorial areas.
There is a private section that can be accessed by local technicians, so they may manage, edit, analyse and download the data of their municipality.
Knowing the current situation of the economic activity estates and areas, coupled with the use of the database of metropolitan companies, offers users the opportunity to obtain permanently updated and reliable information about the industrial estates and production sites.
InfoPAE enables users to access cross-sectional information, which will tell them the needs and features of the industrial estates so they can choose where they would like to establish their business, analyse the territory or design plans for the present and future.
Anàlisi del teixit empresarial dels PAE metropolitans
Informe de les principals dades municipals, el teixit econòmic i els PAE de l'àmbit metropolità