- Type
- Networking
- Territorial range
Servei municipal: Molins de Rei
Information website on different coworking spaces and forthcoming events.
Information website on different coworking spaces and forthcoming events.
Shared office spaces for rent, addressed at newly created companies, with business headquarters services in the Business Service Centre in Empreses Joan N. García Nieto, as well as other compulsory features and resources to start a business activity.
Accés a les diferents ajuts i subvencions per a empreses i persones emprenedores prestades per l'Ajuntament de Molins de Rei.
Dades de contacte i recull de les activitats portades a termes per l'Associació de Venedors del Mercat Municipal de Molins de Rei.
Dades de contacte de les associacions de comerciants de Molins de Rei.
Inventory of companies and suppliers from Molins de Rei, including geo-referenced information.
Calendari d’obertura d’establiments comercials en diumenges i dies festius a Molins de Rei.
Formació per capacitar les persones en situació d'atur, en un dels camps professionals que doni resposta a la demanda existent del mercat laboral.
Directori de les empreses i comerços que pots trobar a Molins de Rei.
Website focused on the compulsory formalities to start a business with the local administration, which also allows to fulfil these formalities on line, among other actions.
Service offered by the Molins de Rei town council to entrepreneurs, offering personalised information, guidance and advice for business creation, as well as spaces and other support resources for the development of business projects.
Office that assists with the administrative processing and kick-starting of a business initiative.
Economic activity estates in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area - Molins de Rei
Informació del mercat ambulant de Molins de Rei.
Recull de la normativa i butlletins oficials de Molins de Rei vinculats al sector empresarial i comercial del municipi.
Dades de contacte de l'Oficina d'Atenció a l'Empresa de Molins de Rei.
Service focused on avoiding the closure of companies due to lack of managerial handover by offering new opportunities to entrepreneurs that prefer taking over an existing project rather than starting a new one from scratch.
Cooperation exchange and advertisement pages for companies.
Free and non-binding service of candidates short-listing from the job bank, addressed at companies with vacancies.
Accions formatives subvencionades pel SOC, adreçades prioritàriament a persones treballadores en situació d'atur - FOAP 2019.