To carry out specific activities to inform the public about the cooperative, social and solidarity-based economy.
Technical specifications
- Subject:
- Local emerging economies
- Project date:
- 10.2018
- Status:
- In progress
- Type:
- Activities, Reports and publications
- Public:
- City Councils, Citizens, Entities
- Subjects:
- Commercial sector, Social and solidarity-based economy, Innovation
- Objective:
- To inform the public in the metropolitan area about the current status and location of activities in the cooperative, social and solidarity-based economy and to promote actions to raise awareness of these activities.
The project's goal is to hold conferences and other activities specifically designed to inform the public, companies and other entities, and local governments about the cooperative, social and solidarity-based economy. This proposal emerged from the conclusions of a study commissioned by the AMB to determine the best starting point to promote programmes and public policies that will help to foster the cooperative, social and solidarity-based economy in the metropolitan area's 36 municipalities.
The same study pointed to the wide range of legal norms affecting the cooperative, social and solidarity-based economy initiatives being carried out in the metropolitan area. The study indicates that this economic sector has been advancing and highlights the large degree of social and political commitment to this issue, as well as the importance of public policy in the promotion of the cooperative, social and solidarity-based economy. It also proposes future areas of work on both a municipal and a metropolitan level.
This action is subsidised by the Public Employment Service of Catalonia and the European Social Fund within the local development support programmes.

Document que recopila i sintetiza gran part de la bibliografia que analitza les actuacions i els principals agents de l'economia social i solidària del territori metropolità.
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