Implementation of new job training programmes for new professional categories.
Technical specifications
- Subject:
- Business, economic activity estates and the job market
- Project date:
- 05.2019
- Status:
- Regional and urban planning
- Type:
- Reports and publications, Projects, Services on map
- Public:
- City Councils, Citizens, Entrepreneurs, Businesses, Entities
- Subjects:
- Entrepreneurship and business, Employment and training
- Objective:
- To develop a programme to train and assist candidates in the search for jobs in new professions and to improve job placement in order to increase the efficiency of local employment policies.
The second aspect of the project will consist of implementing training programmes to meet the needs of the metropolitan area's business fabric. These training programmes will be offered in conjunction with educational centres and companies and with the collaboration of the Office of Social Policy and the Fundació BCN Formació Professional.
The Roundtable on Industrial Training has been active since 2016 and features the participation of the Fundació BCN Formació Professional. The idea behind this initiative is to encourage institutions to join efforts and undertake joint actions with vocational training centres, companies, technology centres, business associations and trade unions. The goal is to foster vocational training in industry, recruit and retain talent for vocational training in industry, expand dual vocational training courses in the industrial sector and analyse the impact of Industry 4.0 on the creation of new kinds of vocational training.
Chief among these new professional profiles are positions associated with Industry 4.0. A study by the Barcelona Vocational Training Observatory of emerging economic sectors and of vocational training for Industry 4.0 in the Barcelona metropolitan region found that the most popular vocational training programmes were those connected to information and communication technology, especially advanced vocational programmes in multiplatform app and web app development. The next most popular programmes were in electromechanical maintenance.
In terms of the Agency's work on vocational training for new professions, it is worth highlighting that data on educational centres and advanced and intermediate level vocational training courses in the metropolitan area of Barcelona can currently be consulted on an interactive map. Users can search for the latest information by municipality or for the metropolitan area as a whole.
Anàlisi dels sectors econòmics emergents i la FP a la RMB
Publicacions elaborades per la Fundació BCN Formació Professional.
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