Aiding new entrepreneurial projects in the fields of social and technological innovation.
Technical specifications
- Subject:
- Innovation and technology
- Project date:
- 10.2018
- Status:
- In progress
- Type:
- Accompaniment, Projects
- Public:
- City Councils, Citizens, Entrepreneurs, Businesses, Entities
- Subjects:
- Entrepreneurship and business, Innovation
- Objective:
- To identify and aid selected social and technological innovation initiatives.
The grants are aimed at metropolitan area of Barcelona entrepreneurs engaged in technological or social projects with digital components. The projects selected will fall into one of three areas: social innovation practices; innovation, support or empowerment of public or community services or of smart solutions for cities and communities; or technological trends connected to the circular economy and to emerging and innovative contents. The grants will be in the amount of at least 5,000 euros and are intended for individuals or legal entities residing in or with a registered address in any municipality in the metropolitan area.
The goal of this grant programme is to help develop initiatives to meet the innovation challenges of new entrepreneurs whose projects and technological innovations bring with them social benefits.
This project will forge connections between metropolitan-area entrepreneurs' ideas and activities on the one hand and the realities and needs of people and public services on the other. This will serve to promote social cohesiveness and inclusiveness via the creation of jobs in the strategic sectors of technological and social innovation, engines of economic growth.
By way of example, some of the possible areas for projects may include:
- Social innovation practices.
- Projects that address social challenges: local services, employment and self-employment, education, services for children, youth and older people, policies on gender, and disabilities, all of which should promote equality of opportunity and/or the reduction of inequality.
- Projects to encourage citizen participation.
- Complementary currency.
- Smart solutions for technology, the environment, health and quality of life
- Smart solutions to improve the environment, mobility, governance, the economy, the standard of living and housing.
- Projects dealing with the Internet of Things and/or smart objects.
- Projects promoting responsible consumption (electricity, gas, water, food...).
- Projects dealing with emerging technological trends connected to the circular economy.
- Eco-innovation applications.
- Efficient and circular energy management.
- Servitisation of products.
Iniciatives innovadores d'emprenedoria social i tecnològica dirigides a generar teixit econòmic
Beques destinades a la nova emprenedoria que desenvolupi accions d'innovació social i tecnològica, amb una dotació de 100.000 euros.
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