A consultancy project to attract and retain business investments.
Technical specifications
- Subject:
- Internationalisation and investment
- Project date:
- 01.04.20
- Status:
- In progress
- Type:
- Accompaniment, Training, Projects
- Public:
- City Councils, Businesses, Investors
- Subjects:
- Entrepreneurship and business, Investment
- Objective:
- Provide both metropolitan companies and municipal technical staff with tools to maximise the results of business reinvestment processes.
As a result, it starts by training metropolitan teams to consolidate the consultancy service within economic promotion departments of local councils, to thus continue offering companies individualised assistance when searching for resources, planning and organising projects for reinvestment, consolidation and business growth.
In conclusion, the aim is to promote the growth of the company's degrees of competition, to improve territorial indices, with the subsequent positive impact for the company itself, as well as for the generation of wealth and for citizens.
Projecte ARIE 20-21: Objectius Continguts i Fases de Desenvolupament
En execució.
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