Creation of new innovation spaces or fablabs to share good practices and foster cooperation.
Technical specifications
- Subject:
- Innovation and technology
- Project date:
- 05.2019
- Status:
- Regional and urban planning
- Type:
- Accompaniment, Financing, Training, News, Projects
- Public:
- City Councils, Citizens, Entrepreneurs, Businesses, Entities, Investors
- Subjects:
- Entrepreneurship and business, Innovation, Employment and training
- Objective:
- To help forge connections between innovation spaces or fablabs in order to foster creativity and the exchange of innovative business projects.
The metropolitan area of Barcelona already boasts a wide range of highly innovative businesses, but this network of centres is more aimed at the small and medium-sized businesses in all the other sectors of the economy who are aware of a need to innovate but unsure of how to go about it. Thus, the network has been conceived as a metropolitan-scale forum for the exchange of good and innovative practices in the field of economic promotion. The network will be built with the participation of universities, centres of excellence, companies, local governments and other economic and social stakeholders.
The role of the network will be to share information on the various projects being carried out in the metropolitan area, support companies in their efforts to implement necessary technological changes, and seek out synergies and opportunities for cooperation and collaboration in order to foster economic regeneration in the area. The financial side of the projects cannot be neglected, and this network will also serve to help companies gain a realistic perspective on their plans.
InnoAMB és la plataforma d'impuls i suport a la innovació de l'AMB que genera activitats del territori en l'àmbit de la innovació: noves empreses emergents (start-ups), activitats i formació per a emprenedors socials i, sobretot, promoció del talent jove, tant d'estudiants de formació professional com universitaris en situació d'atur, a fi d'apropar-los al teixit empresarial metropolità i donar resposta i suport al llançament dels seus projectes innovadors.
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